Bums On Seats

Insights & Research

Bums On Seats is a UK-based training and consultancy company that provides hospitality businesses with bespoke solutions to increase revenue and improve customer experience.


Bums on Seats is a UK-based training and consultancy company focused on hospitality businesses. They offer bespoke solutions for improving customer experience and increasing revenue. Services include mystery shopping, training and coaching, business analysis and planning, and marketing and branding. The mystery shopping service provides businesses with an objective evaluation of their customer service, while training and coaching cover sales, customer service, leadership, management, and compliance. Business analysis and planning help develop strategies and goals, and marketing and branding services include website design, social media management, branding, and design. The team has experience working with independent operators and large chains. They focus on delivering measurable results and helping businesses achieve their goals. Bums on Seats is an experienced and trusted partner for hospitality businesses looking to enhance customer experience, increase revenue, and improve operations.

Current Offers

10% off Bums On Seats audits
15% off Bums On Seats sales training